LETTER: Empowering ourselves through Felehansen

In 2014, a group of persons affected by leprosy (Hansen’s disease) in Colombia created what is now called Federación de Asociaciones de Personas Afectadas por Lepra – Hansen (Felehansen). Our group brings together hundreds of people from around the country. Each one of us has a living story with varying levels of sadness and difficulty. Together we strengthen ourselves and endeavor to be managers of our own development. 


Felehansen members at the First Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Organisations of People Affected by Hansen’s Disease (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2019).

With unity as our base and empowerment as our principle, we made progress even during the pandemic. Now we are resuming the activities that were postponed and taking on the new challenge to engage in political advocacy. Making our voices heard and being included in spaces where regulations and laws are being made requires that we stay courageous and firm. We will persevere and share the message throughout Colombia and the world that leprosy must not be forgotten.