For each issue, the Leprosy Bulletin asks a person affected by leprosy or an individual involved in leprosy-related work for two to three things that they wish could happen. We ask contributors to be bold in order to stimulate thinking and inspire new approaches.

Lucrecia Vásquez Acevedo
Legal Representative and President, Felehansen
Lucrecia Vásquez Acevedo, her son, and her infant granddaughter all experienced leprosy (Hansen’s disease). As a leader of Felehansen, a national people’s organization with over 700 volunteers, she works to ensure the social inclusion and rehabilitation of persons affected by leprosy in Colombia.
- A vaccine for preventative control.
- Inclusion of persons affected by leprosy at tables where decisions are being made so that rules and laws are informed by our experiences.
- A requirement that future healthcare professionals learn about leprosy (Hansen’s disease) as part of their training so that they can make accurate and timely diagnoses that minimize disabilities.
- Agreement that mental health care for persons affected by leprosy is an urgent matter and that services should be provided as part of global health programs.