Human rights for all
As part of the 10-month “Don’t forget leprosy” campaign that kicked off in August, I am sharing reflections on my role and how I have approached it. For this issue of the Leprosy Bulletin, I would like to explain how a focus on human rights became an important part of my efforts. Read More
We need policies that uphold human dignity
In the speech you contributed for the launch of this year’s Global Appeal to End Stigma and Discrimination against Persons Affected by Leprosy, you stated that “leprosy remains a neglected and stigmatized disease.” Read more
Disability and human rights
According to the World Report on Disability (2011), an estimated one billion people, or 15% of the world’s population, experience some form of disability. Moreover, this number is rising because of medical advancements, rapidly aging population, spread of chronic diseases, and conflict and disaster situations. Read more
ENAPAL’s work on human rights issues in Ethiopia
Warm greetings from Ethiopia. I hope you, your family, and friends are all well. Ethiopia is located in the northeast of Africa and is known for its coffee beans and some of the oldest human fossils in the world. Read more
Leprosy and human rights in the context of COVID-19
As the novel coronavirus has swept around the world, it has become clear that the disease it causes, COVID-19, bears some similarities to leprosy in the way that it can lead to stigma and discrimination. Read more
Quick reference guide: Principles and Guidelines
In 2008, Japan prepared a draft resolution on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members to be submitted to the UN Human Rights Council. Following the resolution’s adoption, the Advisory Committee formulated a draft set of principles and guidelines. Read more
Tribute to Dr. S.K. Noordeen (1933–2021)
The Leprosy Bulletin is saddened to announce the passing of Dr. S.K. Noordeen, a global leader in the fight against leprosy and a cherished friend. We are grateful to Dr. Derek Lobo for writing this tribute. Read more