Building back better to realize a leprosy-free world
According to the World Health Organization’s annual global leprosy update, there were 127,396 new cases detected in 2020, a 37.1% decrease in comparison to the previous year. Read More
Essential elements of post-pandemic leprosy services
From the latest Weekly epidemiological record on leprosy (Hansen’s disease) published by the World Health Organization (WHO), the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the fight against leprosy has been clearly highlighted. Indeed, Read more

WHO’s global leprosy update (2020 data)
Viewing disruption as an opportunity to rebuild
Between 1989 and 1998, the number of new cases per year of Hansen’s disease (HD) in the world increased from 576,361 to 805,000. Read more
Progress in Maradi and Zinder regions of Niger
Niger is a West African country with a population of approximately 22 million people located in a semi-arid region known as the Sahel. We must deal with a fragile context that includes water-related challenges Read more
GPZL paves a new path towards zero leprosy
June 15, 2012, was the day I first met Yohei Sasakawa. We met in his offices in Tokyo where we shared our dream of accomplishing the goal of freeing the world from the infection and stigma of leprosy. Read more
Leprosy in Kiribati
Kiribati is among the three remaining countries in the Pacific region yet to achieve the World Health Organization (WHO) target of reducing the prevalence of leprosy cases to less than 1 per 10,000 population at the national level. Read more
Accredited Social Health Activist (ASHA), a driving force behind India’s public health system
Under India’s National Health Mission, every village in the country has a trained female community health worker who is both selected from the village and accountable to it. Read more